Stay tuned for 2024’s coat drive!



Coat Boston has been helping kids get warm coats since 2009, and the Christmas Shop has been helping families celebrate Christmas for over one hundred years. By partnering with congregations across the Boston area, the Christmas Shop collected and distributed over 5,200 items to our partner agencies to support those in need in the holiday season, while Coat Boston distributed over 1,400 coats to children in need last year. We know that through working together we can once again meet the needs of many in our area. 

This year, we are seeking donations of gift cards, books, toys, socks, hats, mittens and coats. These gifts will be given directly to schools, partner agencies and organizations in Boston that serve individuals and families in need of resources. 

There is one major change this year: with the closing of City Mission, all operations have moved to Hancock Church, 1912 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington MA, 02421. Please go to this location for all donation pick-ups and drop offs.





Thank you for making a difference!